Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I Have a Daughter!

Although my little one is almost 10 months old now, there are still numerous occasions whereby I am struck with the surreal realization that I am actually a mom now - and to the loveliest bundle of joy I could have imagined! These moments overwhelm me with gratitude, almost as if someone just handed her to me for the first time. 

This sense of amazement typically follows one of two scenarios: 1) someone else has been holding or looking after her for more than 20 minutes, or 2) I wake up in the morning and see her smiling face for the first time that day. 

No one can be a 'new mom' forever, but I really hope that the overwhelming joy I feel about motherhood never goes away! 

I sometimes wonder if Lexia is equally amazed to find me as her mother. Based on her expression in this photo, I think it's possible!